contact me for any inquires or studio pricing! click on thumbnails to see details of each artwork zoom in at the right time then someone let us back in stick to wet grass then someone let us back in zoom in at the right time the accumulation of rejection must be more met again by lighter spirits the accumulation of rejection must be more met again by lighter spirits let us back in a refreshed love of momentum a refreshed love of momentum in the damp sand time of night in the damp sand time of night i'm not leaving my job though there in the same spot every time i'm not leaving my job though there in the same spot every time so sure so hopeful can't shake it can't sort it so sure so hopeful can't shake it can't sort it sexy farm flower mermaid shooting water not necessarily motivated but of course i went through the motions. everyone loved it flash 3.23.21 little love linos had i overlooked their nature? 8 creams six sugars oh god, all my advice was bad had i overlooked their nature? 8 creams six sugars oh god all my advice was bad, drawing i could smell salt interrupting it telling me about its life an actor all the way through we landed on the moon, drawing the understudy for an affair seances and other spells an actor all the way through we landed on the moon we wanted this challenge but it was such a funny night i went to bed we wanted this challenge but it was such a funny night i went to bed, drawing